-> What is big data?
-> How to handle big data?
->Solutions for big data
Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and information privacy.
Big data is a massive volume of data that refers to both structured and unstructured and difficult to process.It has mainly three aspects.They are:
velocity: size of the data.Big data is so massive that it gets accumulated at large amounts in very less amount of time.
volume: Size of the data is very large that it can't be processed using conventional methods.
variety: Big data deals with both structured and unstructured data.
How to handle big data:
there are many solutions provided to handle big data efficiently over many years.
Companies like yahoo,facebook, google and many more people all around the world have worked to provide solutions to this problem.Some of the solutions avalable for big data are hadoop,pig,hive,spark.
Solutions for big data:
Hadoop is a open source project developed by Apache with the white paper algorith released by google. Google released a algorithm which explains how the search gaint handles large amounts of data.
Code is developed for same by the developers of yahoo and many people all over the world.
Hadoop uses map reduce function and HDFS for processing big data.
-> What is big data?
-> How to handle big data?
->Solutions for big data
Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and information privacy.
Big data is a massive volume of data that refers to both structured and unstructured and difficult to process.It has mainly three aspects.They are:
velocity: size of the data.Big data is so massive that it gets accumulated at large amounts in very less amount of time.
volume: Size of the data is very large that it can't be processed using conventional methods.
variety: Big data deals with both structured and unstructured data.
How to handle big data:
there are many solutions provided to handle big data efficiently over many years.
Companies like yahoo,facebook, google and many more people all around the world have worked to provide solutions to this problem.Some of the solutions avalable for big data are hadoop,pig,hive,spark.
Solutions for big data:
Hadoop is a open source project developed by Apache with the white paper algorith released by google. Google released a algorithm which explains how the search gaint handles large amounts of data.
Code is developed for same by the developers of yahoo and many people all over the world.
Hadoop uses map reduce function and HDFS for processing big data.
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